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More Free Summer Meals for Kids and Teens!

Beginning Wednesday June 28, kids and teens from 1 to 18 can receive free breakfasts, lunches, and snacks thanks to a summer meal program that picks up where school lunches leave off. Formerly known as “Summer Sack Lunch,” the program is open to all children and held at designated Seattle park playgrounds, community centers, Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCAs and YWCAs, and other sites throughout Seattle and parts of King County. The U.S. Department of Agriculture funds the program, which is administered by Washington State’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and operated in partnership with United Way. For most locations, the program runs through August 25th.

The free program helps ensure that kids maintain good nutrition, so essential for effective learning, playing and growing no matter what time of year. The program is open to ALL children! Meals are expensive for everyone in Seattle. If you’re out and about with the kids this summer, don’t be afraid to stop by and grab breakfast or lunch.

To find the closest free meal site, click on the 3 lists below for a larger view:


You can also use one of the following methods to find a meal site:

  • Use the online Summer Meals Search Tool that displays sponsor, site and meal information after entering your zip code
  • Call the USDA Hotline 1-866-348-6479
  • Text Food to 877-877
  • Email
  • Call Seattle’s Human Services Department at 206-386-1140

In addition to the summer meal program mentioned above, Seattle Parks and Recreation is lining up  special field days that offer no-cost drop-in activities for Seattle youth, while having a free lunch. Drop in for the Food Invasion this summer – for fun, new friends, and a full belly!