Earth Day is Saturday, April 22, but we’re using the whole month to celebrate! Join us and our partners at one of the many volunteer Earth Day events listed below, or view our event calendar or the Green Seattle Partnership for more options, and help give back to your community. Volunteers can get involved in a variety of projects at local parks, urban forests, and other natural areas around the city. Volunteer activities include nature walks, gardening, trail repair, mulching, cleanup, planting, weeding, invasive species removal, nature exploration, and much more.
Promoting responsible stewardship of the land is part of our mission, and volunteering with an environmentally focused program is a great way to make connections and spark action, inspiring the next generation of stewards.
April 8: Salamander Search
2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Camp Long Environmental Center
Register by calling 206-386-4237
April 22: Earth Day Beach Clean Up
2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center
Join other volunteers for a work party to help clean up beaches at Discovery Park. Suggested donation of $5 to support nature programs at the park.
Register by calling 206-386-4237
April 29: Peekin’ in the Ponds – Tots Walk (ages 2 – 3)
10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. at Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center
Register by calling 206-386-4237 or at
April 29: Tidepool Investigations
12:30 – 2:30 p.m. at Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center
Register by calling 206-386-4237
April 29: Low Tide Beach Safari
1:00 – 2:30 p.m. at MeKwaMooks Beach
Register by calling 206-386-4237
April 30: Low Tide Beach Safari
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. at MeKwaMooks Beach
Register by calling 206-386-4237
April 22: Celebrate Urban Nature!
10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Magnuson Community Center gym and auditorium.
Fee: $2 per person (Kids ages 2 and under are free!)
This annual spring event is co-sponsored by Magnuson Community Center and Earthcorps, and features a myriad of family-friendly presentations, interactive booths, and displays; art and nature activities; a Nature Explorers Lab, and more!
More info:
April 22: Duwamish Alive Earth Day Event: West Seattle
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Meeting location: Pathfinder School/Pigeon Point Park/West Duwamish Greenbelt
Duwamish Alive collaborates with the community, municipalities, non-profits and businesses within the Duwamish River watershed to preserve and enhance habitat for people and wildlife and improving the health of Puget Sound. As a Duwamish Alive member organization, EarthCorps supports this vision of creating a River for All. Hundreds of volunteers will work with Duwamish Alive member organizations to make a huge impact on the health of the Duwamish River Watershed.
More info:
April 1: Lincoln Park Volunteer Work Party
9 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Lincoln Park
Join the Friends of Lincoln Park as we work to bring the beautiful mature forests of our park into restoration.
More information and to register:
April 1: Woodland Park Work Party
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Woodland Park
Make seed balls and do some light weeding. This will be a fun event for adults and kids alike! Dress for the weather, wear closed toe shoes, and bring a water bottle. We will provide tools and adult sized work gloves.
More information and to register:
April 2: Lewis Park Restoration Event
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Lewis Park
With Spring in the air and warmer temperature, it’s time to begin our park Spring cleaning. We will be pulling weeds, grooming the trails and clearing any fallen debris from the winter winds.
More information and to register:
April 8: Licton Springs Park Work Party
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Licton Springs Park
Join Friends of Licton Springs for our monthly work parties– Get yourself and Licton Springs Park in shape! Canary Reed pulls, Mulch barrow jogs, Wood chip bends, planters’ squats and bramble root digs. All you need for a good day’s work out.
More information and to register:
April 15: Golden Gardens Park Work Party
9 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Golden Gardens Park
We remove invasive weeds and plant native species that return the forest to a more natural ecosystem. We provide tools and training so we only need your enthusiasm to help restore this beautiful park.
More information and to register: We remove invasive weeds and plant native species that return the forest to a more natural ecosystem. We provide tools and training so we only need your enthusiasm to help restore this beautiful park.
April 22: Nora’s Woods – Earth Day Celebration
9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Meet at corner of 29th and Columbia St.
Neighbors and visitors get together to freshen up this pocket park from its winter doldrums. Hoist wheel barrows of trail chips and plant mulch to all corners of the park.
More information and to register:
April 22: Earth Day Habitat Restoration at Discovery Park
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Discovery Park
Celebrate Earth Day with the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust! As the City of Seattle’s largest multi-use park at 534 acres, Discovery Park is a park of regional significance. However, many of the areas of the park have been degraded by invasive plant species and lack the diverse habitat needed to provide a balanced ecosystem. We will be continuing our restoration efforts by removing invasive plant species. The project will enhance the species diversity, forest structure, and function of the area.
More information and to register:
April 22: Jackson Park Golf Course – It’s Earth Day, Hooray!
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Discovery Park
Help restore native vegetation to remnant forests along the peaceful 2.2-mile trail that wraps around the Jackson Park Golf Course! We’ll remove invasive ivy and blackberries, roots and all, to ready another piece of ground for planting native species later, during the rainy season.
More information and to register:
April 22: Me-Kwa-Mooks forest friends restoration
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Meet at a picnic table on the lawn at 4503 Beach Dr. SW.
Volunteers will continue work to restore the Me-Kwa-Mooks greenbelt to a more natural state, removing invasives and liberating native plant species. Activities can include, blackberry lopping, ivy wrestling, planting, and enjoying the forest and views of the sound.
More information and to register:
April 22: St. Marks Greenbelt – Refresh and Restore
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Meet at the St. Mark’s Greebelt trail sign on the south edge of the St. Mark’s Cathedral parking lot (1245 10th Ave. E).
This is a beautiful place to spend your Saturday morning restoring your nearby urban forest. Help our group of Forest Stewards with monthly tasks and nourish your mind and body with refreshing Nature. In addition to working with us, you can take a walk and tour the acres of towering Big Leaf Maples and Sword ferns. If you are lucky you’ll see a Coopers Hawk or two!
More information and to register:
April 22: Student Conservation Association Earth Day in Seattle
9a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Washington Park Arboretum
Volunteers will restore the Washington Park Arboretum through planting, mulching, removing invasive species, and maintaining trails throughout the arboretum.
More information and to register: