Each year Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) observes Week Without Violence the week before the national event so as not to conflict with Halloween activities.
Week Without Violence is a national YWCA campaign to raise awareness about issues relating to youth violence in communities around the country. SPR is committed to the initiative, and provides activities designed to reflect on and provide positive alternatives to youth violence for youth in the greater Seattle area.
Week Without Violence also commemorates and remembers youth who have been affected by violence and encourages young people to make a commitment to peace.
SPR Week Without Violence activities are:
Teen Maze #Heath Choices
October 14, 2016
6 to 10 p.m.
Southwest Teen Life Center
Teen Maze is back! It’s a life-size interactive game board for teens to navigate their way through real life challenges while learning the potential consequences of their behaviors in a judgment-free environment. Challenges may include the “school to prison pipeline,” substance abuse, sexual activity, domestic violence and educational/vocation issues.
We’re still looking for committee members, so please let Charles Humphrie (206-684-7201) know if you’re interested.
Free 2 Luv “Rock Kindness Day”
October 15, 2016
3 to 6 p.m.
South Park Community Center
Free to Love is all about celebrating individuality, spreading kindness and standing up to bullying through arts and entertainment. Using music, impactful messaging and interactive storytelling, we promote kind behavior, build self-esteem and empower our youth. If you would like to know more about the great people at free 2 Luv here where you can find them. http://free2luv.org. We are also looking for youth who are interested in performing for this event. If you’re interested in helping with the Teen Maze, or if you’d like to lead a future event for Week Without Violence, please call Charles Humphrie at 206-684-7201.