Gilman Playground (923 NW 54th St) and Webster Park (3025 NW 68th St) play areas are scheduled to close beginning the week of Sept. 5 for approximately four months for renovation. During construction, the Gilman Playground basketball court and surrounding area will be closed; however, the comfort station, east/west walkway and associated stairs and sports fields will remain open. At Webster Park the play area and basketball court will be closed for the duration of construction.
Both play area renovation projects will replace the play equipment, provide access improvements and install new park furnishings. Thank you to everyone who attended the public meetings and provided input on the improvements.
The Seattle Park District provides the funding for these play area improvement projects. The District approved by Seattle voters in 2014 provides more than $47 million a year in long-term funding for Seattle Parks and Recreation, including maintenance of parklands and facilities, operation of community centers and recreation programs, and development of new neighborhood parks on previously acquired sites.
For information about the projects and construction updates please visit or If you have questions about the projects please contact Katie Bang, Seattle Parks and Recreation at 206-684-9286 or