Join us for an ice cream social and learn more on July 12
Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the community to a public meeting and ice cream social on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Rainier Beach Community Center and Pool. This meeting is an opportunity to learn about the Seattle Park District Greenways Initiative including implementation, potential projects and the plan for activation. Rainier Beach Community Center and Pool is located at 8825 Rainier Ave. S.
Seattle Parks and Recreation Greenways Initiative funds projects and programs to connect, enhance and activate links from Neighborhood Greenways to parks by improving access and amenities for pedestrians and bicycles. These Greenway corridors will offer safe and calm residential streets and provide comfortable and attractive places for people of all ages and abilities to walk and ride.
Seattle Parks and Recreation and Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) collaborated on the implementation plan for the capital improvement projects with prioritization based on the SDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans. Two projects that will be completed in 2016 are in south Seattle at Rainier Beach Playfield and John C. Little Sr. Park. We are meeting with these communities to plan activation around these enhancements. For more information about activation, connecting and engaging communities in these neighborhoods and how you can be involved please contact us and visit this site
The Seattle Park District Greenways Initiative, which includes capital projects and activation, is funded by the Seattle Park District. Approved by voters in 2014, the Seattle Park District provides more than $47 million a year in long-term funding for Seattle Parks and Recreation including maintenance of parklands and facilities, operation of community centers and recreation programs, and development of new neighborhood parks on previously acquired sites. 2016 is the first full year of implementation and will include funding to tackle the $267-million major maintenance backlog; and will fund the improvement and rehabilitation of community centers; preservation of the urban forest; major maintenance at the Aquarium and Zoo; day-to-day maintenance of parks and facilities; more recreation opportunities for people from underserved communities, programs for young people, people with disabilities, and older adults; development of new parks; and acquisition of new park land.
For more information about the meeting, translation of meeting announcement or to request an interpreter or accommodations please contact Karen O’Connor at karen.o’ or 206-233-7929.