Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Friends of Green Lake invite the community to learn about the Green Lake alum treatment at a public meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hearthstone, 6720 E. Green Lake Way N. At this meeting Seattle Parks and Recreation and Herrera Environmental Consultants will present information about the implementation of the alum treatment and answer community questions.
The 2016 alum treatment is intended to reduce phosphorus levels in the lake, limiting cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms and improving recreational use of the lake. Previous lake-wide alum applications in 1991 and 2004 effectively limited algae blooms and improved water quality. In order to preserve the health and safety of Green Lake, Seattle Parks and Recreation is treating the lake with alum again this spring. The alum treatment plan was developed as part of the 2016 Green Lake Phosphorous Management Plan.
Seattle Parks and Recreation would like to thank the Friends of Green Lake for their continued stewardship of the lake and The Hearthstone for meeting accommodations. Friends of Green Lake (FOGL) is a nonprofit group in Seattle, whose mission is to ensure a healthy Green Lake for wildlife and recreation, for today and tomorrow. For more information please visit
For more information about the project please visit If you have additional questions about the project please contact Chris Mueller, Seattle Parks and Recreation project manager at or 206-684-0998.
If you would like to request special meeting accommodations or need an interpreter please contact Karen O’Connor at karen.o’ or 206-233-7929.