Join in on-line open house to review design options
Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the community to learn about the new shoreline park in the University District and review initial design concepts at an online meeting on Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015 at noon. To sign for the online meeting and to find out more about the new park visit
Seattle Parks and Recreation purchased the Bryant marina site (1101-1137 NE Boat Street on Portage Bay) from the University of Washington in 2014. The goal for the park project is to provide upland and shoreline/water-related recreational experiences for all ages and abilities. The development will include remediation of site contamination, building demolition and potential partial re-use of building elements and shoreline enhancement.
Thank you to everyone who attended the public meeting in September. After the public outreach process and gathering community feedback a final design concept will be created and presented at a public meeting in early 2016. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2017 and completed in 2018.
For more information about the Portage Bay park project please visit or contact David Graves, Seattle Parks and Recreation, at 684-7048 or