When emergencies happen, be the first to know. Stay informed with AlertSeattle to receive real-time, official notifications from the City of Seattle.
AlertSeattle is a free service that allows you to sign up online to receive customized alerts via text message, email, voice message, and on social media (Facebook and Twitter). This service is provided by the City of Seattle at no cost; however, message and data rates may apply.
In addition to emergency alerts, you can also choose to receive customizable community notifications. These will include notifications about severe weather, safety, health, utility disruptions, major traffic incidents, and more.
Enrolling in AlertSeattle is simple:
- Go to seattle.gov
- Register your information
- Tell us how to reach you (via text message, email or voice message)
- Select the types of alerts you want to receive
- Receive alerts and stay informed!
Your information is private and will not be used or distributed in any manner. This system is available to anyone who lives, works, travels through or visits Seattle. Learn more and sign up now at alert.seattle.gov
Storm season
As weather becomes more unpredictable, we are at a greater risk for power outages and downed trees. If you see storm damage in a park, please call our 24-hour maintenance line to report it at 206-684-7250. You may also call our 24-hour Park Duty Officer at 206-982-4583 to report issues.
We appreciate reports on Facebook and Twitter, but those networks are only monitored Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.