Seafair Weekend is one of Seattle’s most anticipated events. But with so much good stuff packed into three days, it can be tough to navigate. Here’s your go-to guide for a safe and happy Seafair.
Seafair Weekend Main Gate
4316 South Genesee Street, Seattle, WA
8:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Friday, July 31
8:30 a.m.-11 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 1
7:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 2
It’s important to note that Seafair sponsors the various events taking place July 31-Aug. 2. If you have questions, complaints or concerns regarding Seafair events, please contact Seafair directly by clicking HERE.
Where are the best places to experience SeaFair?
Seafair Weekend events and activities are scheduled throughout North Beach Park, Stan Sayres Memorial Park and Genesee Park. For a full listing of activities and locations, click HERE.
For information on air show performers, click HERE.
For information on the Albert Lee Appliance Seafair Cup (hydroplance races), click HERE.
For information on the Hyperlite Seafair Wakeboard Experience, click HERE.
Where can I buy tickets?
Seafair offers a variety of events from floating parties to private lunches that require tickets. To review the offers and purchase tickets, click HERE.
Where can I see the Blue Angels?
Genesee Park, East Portal Viewpoint
Where can I see the hydroplanes?
Genessee Park, Lake Washington, Stan Sayres Memorial Park
What are the park rules I have to follow inside the main gate?
– No alcoholic beverages will be allowed through the entrance gate. Food and non-alcoholic beverages are permitted.
– Lawn chairs are permitted inside the park.
– No pets are allowed through the entrance gate with the exception of aid-dogs.
– Shoes are required in certain areas (closed toe shoes are required in pits).
– Bicycles not allowed in the park. A bike coral is located at the Main Admissions Gate.
– No firearms allowed.
– Portable BBQs are permitted in the park.
What’s the best way to get there?
Public transportation is encouraged! Click HERE for a step-by-step guide to public transit.
Parking is limited at the event site. Parking passes can purchased online. Parking typically sells out early. Seafair Weekend Public Parking Lot address: 4501 42nd Avenue South, Seattle WA, 98118 (must have a pass). There will be a limited number of disabled parking spaces due to space restrictions.
What you MUST know before you go:
During Seafair Weekend and leading up to the event, there will be park and facility closures for safety measures and practices.
– Mount Baker Rowing and Sailing Center will close from July 28 through Aug. 3.
– Stan Sayres Boat Launch will close from July 27 through Aug. 4.
– Fishing piers between Mount Baker Beach and Seward Park will be closed July 28- Aug. 3.
-Seward Park will be closed each day July 29-Aug. 2 about 45-60 minutes prior to the Blue Angels taking off from Boeing Field. On days that there are two practice flights, the Seattle Police Department will keep the park closed for that entire period of time. For details on when the Blue Angels will be practicing and performing, please contact Seafair.
Seafair tips, tricks and reminders from Southeast Crew Chiefs
– Expect DELAYS traveling to and from Seafair
– Traffic enforcement will be in full force, do not block driveways, park in community center lots, etc.
– Do NOT leave pets in your car. Pets are not allowed inside the Seafair main gate; leave them at home.
-You cannot use a portable barbecue unless you are inside the Seafair main gate. Seattle Parks does not allow them to be used in parks.
– Wear sunscreen!
– Do NOT drink and drive!
– You may not sell items at Seafair unless you have been properly permitted.
– Come early! People start getting in line at the main gate at 7 a.m.