The Board of Park Commissioners has postponed its May 14 meeting and will discuss and make recommendations on both the proposed smoking ban in Seattle parks and on the proposed Cheasty Bike and Pedestrian Trail Pilot Project at its subsequent meeting on Thursday, May 28.
That meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Kenneth R. Bounds Board Room at Seattle Parks and Recreation Headquarters, 100 Dexter Ave. N.
Board members requested additional information from Parks staff and more time to review the public comments they have received about both proposals.
For the smoking ban, written comments can be submitted to until May 7.
The Seattle Board of Park Commissioners is a nine-member citizen board created by the City Charter. Four members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council; four members are appointed by the City Council; and one member is a young adult appointed by the YMCA Get Engaged Program (
The Board generally meets twice a month, normally on the second and fourth Thursday, to advise the Parks and Recreation Superintendent, the Mayor, and the City Council on parks and recreation matters.