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April Pools Day teaches water safety to Rainier Beach community

The second annual April Pools Day event at Rainier Beach Pool was a success! Thank you to the 150+ visitors who came to the pool and helped Seattle Parks and Recreation spread the word about water safety.

Later this summer, Green Lake Community Center/Evans Pool will be hosting low-cost life jacket sales on June 20, July 18 and Aug. 15. More details to come!

Tizzy Bennett from Seattle Children's Hospital helps fit lifejackets.

Tizzy Bennett from Seattle Children’s Hospital helps fit a life jacket.


Children play in the lazy river during April Pool's Day.

Children play in the lazy river during April Pools Day.


Kids learn how to safely aid other swimmers.

Kids learn how to safely aid other swimmers.


Children practice wearing life jackets.

Children practice wearing life jackets.


The Seattle Fire Department hosted an informational table and gave tours of a fire truck.

The Seattle Fire Department hosted an informational table and gave tours of a fire truck.


Lizzy Bennett from Seattle Children's Hospital helps fit a life jacket.

Tizzy Bennett from Seattle Children’s Hospital helps fit a life jacket.