On Tuesday, Jan. 27, Seattle Parks and Recreation invites persons living with dementia, family, friends and all who support a dementia-friendly community to the 2015 Momentia! New Year Celebration at China Harbor restaurant.
The Momentia! New Year Celebration will offer refreshments, drinks, musical entertainment, dancing and karaoke. To register, call Cheryl Brown, Seattle Parks and Recreation, at 206-386-9106 before Jan. 23. Tickets cost $12.
Seattle Parks and Recreation piloted dementia-friendly recreation in 2014 in response to the growing number of community members living with memory loss and the firm belief that people living with memory loss should remain a vital part of our community.
With the official launch of the program in 2015, we are working with a variety of local partners to offer engaging programs like watercolor painting in the park, walks at the zoo, volunteering at the food bank, and more. As we get started, our programs are mainly geared toward persons living with Early Stage Memory Loss. Friends and family are also welcome to get involved. We’re glad to help determine which programs might be a good fit, within our own offerings and among the other options available in the community.
There will be limited van transportation to the event available from Greenwood Senior Center and Rainier Community Center. Reserve a seat when you register for the event. Sponsors include Greenwood Senior Center, Full Life Care and CareForce.
For more information on dementia-friendly recreation, please visit http://www.seattle.gov/parks/Seniors/dementiafriendlyrecreation.htm.