Toxic algae scum spotted in Lake Washington
As a precaution, Seattle Parks and Recreation has temporarily closed access to the water at the Magnuson Park dogs off-leash area.
Toxic algae has been found in accumulated scum in Lake Washington along the shores of the off-leash area. Toxic algae blooms are most common in the summer and fall, but can occur any time.
King County Department of Natural Resources collected water samples and submitted them to the State Toxic Algae Program. The information was reviewed by Public Health – Seattle & King County. Tests have revealed that the toxins are currently found in the scummy algae that accumulate in some places along the shore.
In general, people and pets should not wade or play in the lake where the scum has accumulated and dogs should not drink from the lake in these areas. If there is water contact for a pet, it is important to rinse well to remove all algae. Out of an abundance of caution, Parks closed beach/water access in the off-leash area until it is deemed safe for dogs to swim and play in the water.
For more information on toxic algae and symptoms of toxic poisoning, please visit Washington Department of Health toxic algae website.