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Seattle Parks and Recreation to Host State Water Safety Day at Rainier Beach Community Center & Pool on May 18, 2024 

In support of the Swim Seattle Initiative, Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites community, neighbors, partners, and families to join us for a day of FREE fun and activities centered around water safety and in support of the State of Washington’s Annual Water Safety Day. The event will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024, 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. at Rainier Beach Community Center and Pool (8825 Rainier Ave. S). The Water Safety Day is open to all and will include free activities, food, music, and guest speakers, as well as a limited number of life jacket giveaways. A free family swim will also be available from 12:30 to 2 P.M.  

About Swim Seattle:

Swim Seattle is a new initiative that combines the efforts of SPR, YMCA of Greater Seattle, Public Health-Seattle & King County, Associated Recreation Council, Washington State Parks, No More Under, Seattle Children’s, and Splash Forward to remove barriers to learning to swim and to eradicate disproportionate drownings among youth of color.  “In this City of water we have to end the disproportionate drownings among children of color and ensure all kids, regardless of their backgrounds, have equitable access to learn the fundamentals of swimming, an essential life skill,” said AP Diaz, Superintendent of Seattle Parks and Recreation. 
Swim Seattle began in 2023 as a pilot by providing a year of free lessons to a cohort of 250 youth. It prioritizes access to those who cannot afford lessons, while also providing workshops to support children and their families in becoming comfortable swimmers and water-safe. Since launching, Seattle Parks and Recreation has delivered over 1,100 free swim lessons to families in need. 

About Water Safety Day:

This year marks the first annual Water Safety Day, recognized by the State of Washington on May 15th. Water Safety Day was created with the passing of House Bill 1750, also known as Yori’s Law. The bill was sponsored by Representative April Berg and inspired by water safety advocate and founder of No More Under, Chezik Tsunoda, in honor of her son Yori.