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Kudos to lifeguards for helping to keep the public safe during peak swim season

Record-breaking temperatures have been plaguing Seattleites since the end of June, and there’s no relief in sight. Seattleites have been clamoring to Seattle Parks’ public beaches, spray parks and indoor/outdoor pools to try and escape the heat. During the first 15 days of open public beaches, lifeguards made 29 water… [ Keep reading ]

20-acre expansion to be opened at Westcrest Park

On Wednesday, July 8, 2015, Seattle Parks and Recreation will open the 20-acre expansion of Westcrest Park at the West Seattle Reservoir, located at 9000 8th Ave. SW in the Highland Park neighborhood of West Seattle. The new park expansion is the fifth reservoir lid-park collaboration between Seattle Parks and… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation makes composting available at all facilities

Supporting a healthy environment is one of Seattle Parks and Recreation’s fundamental goals. We have done much over the years to support that – from the Paper Cuts initiative in the early 2000s to the LEED facilities that we build to our most recent Good Food initiative. As of July… [ Keep reading ]

Seafair Summer Fourth at Gas Works Park

Saturday saw another incredible Seafair Summer Fourth celebration at Gas Works Park. Thank you to TIA International Photography for the breathtaking photos. Have photos you’d like to share? Send them to @SeattleParks on Twitter.

Beat the Heat! at Seattle Parks & Rec

When it’s hot this summer, Seattle residents don’t need to go far to cool off. Seattle Parks and Recreation has a long list of places to get cool in the water, including beaches, wading pools and water spray features and outdoor pools.

Skatepark Plan moves forward with new skatespot in Lake City

Community encouraged to participate in park design meeting Seattle Parks and Recreation is hosting a public design meeting for the new Lake City Skatespot at Virgil Flaim Park on Monday, July 13, 2015 from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. at the Lake City Branch Library located at 12501 28th Ave. NE…. [ Keep reading ]

Seattle parks become smoke-free on July 6

As of Monday, July 6, 2015, all Seattle parks will be smoke-free. Smoke-free parks further Seattle Parks and Recreation’s mission to provide healthful and welcoming places for all residents to enjoy. The Seattle Board of Park Commissioners unanimously recommended to approve a parks-wide smoking ban in May. The new rule… [ Keep reading ]

Enchantment in the trees: Experiential Play and Zip camp at Camp Long

Shake things up this summer and spend a day suspended high up in the trees. West Seattle’s Camp Long is hosting eight sessions of Enchantment Experiential Play and Zip camp at the high ropes challenge course. Play and zipline with your friends 40 feet above the ground. The experience is… [ Keep reading ]

July 9, 2015 Board of Park Commissioners meeting canceled

The Board of Park Commissioners canceled the July 9 meeting. The Board will be discussing the Supplemental Use Guidelines for Natural Areas and Greenbelts at the July 23 meeting. A Board recommendation will happen at a future meeting. The Seattle Board of Park Commissioners is a nine-member citizen board created by… [ Keep reading ]

July 2 Parks Buzz: You haven’t been there unless you have a PIC to PROVE it

Send your photos to @seattleparks on Twitter for a chance to be featured on our blog! Visit our homepage and subscribe to Explore More, our twice-monthly newsletter, to learn about new things happening in our parks and community centers this month.