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City seeks proposals for redevelopment of Bldg 2 in Magnuson Park

Seattle Parks and Recreation is seeking proposals for the redevelopment and renovation of Building 2, the largest former airplane hangar in Warren G. Magnuson Park. Proposals should include the management and operation of recreation, arts and cultural or environmental programming that will be open to the public. This is… [ Keep reading ]

Jan. 7 Parks Buzz: You haven’t been there unless you have a PIC to PROVE it

Send your photos to @seattleparks on Twitter for a chance to be featured on our blog! Visit our homepage and subscribe to Explore More, our twice-monthly newsletter, to learn about new things happening in our parks and community centers this month.

Winter walks in Seattle parks

Winters in Seattle are wet and damp but they help keep our parks lush and green. Don’t let a little rain keep you from seeing the wonder of winter flora this season. We have dozens of trails that are waiting to be explored. Carkeek Park Carkeek Park offers extraordinary views… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle at Work | Housing Affordability & Livability Agenda

Where: Seattle City Hall—600 4th Ave Bertha Knight Landes Room When: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5 – 7 p.m. Join Mayor Murray & department directors to discuss how Seattle is at work in your neighborhood and throughout the City. We’ll be continuing the conversation around the Housing Affordability & Livability Agenda,… [ Keep reading ]

January 14, 2016 Board of Park Commissioners meeting canceled

Due to scheduling issues, the Board of Park Commissioners will hold their first meeting of 2016 on Jan. 28 at the Queen Anne Community Center. The Seattle Board of Park Commissioners is a nine-member citizen board created by the City Charter. Four members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation winter programs

A new year is for new beginnings. Registration for our winter programs and classes is underway, and we have more than 50 new offerings this season. Find a class that’s right for you and start 2016 off right. Draw and Paint Art Studio: The Draw and Paint Studio class located… [ Keep reading ]

Youth to lead 11th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. march on Jan. 16

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the public to join a youth-organized march to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Saturday, Jan. 16. Participants will gather at 11 a.m. at Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park, 2200 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way, 98144. Teens will lead the march to Rainier… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation Martin Luther King, Jr. Day closures

Many Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities will be closed Monday, Jan. 18, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. These facilities and services are CLOSED: Community centers Environmental learning centers Indoor swimming pools Small craft centers Volunteer Park Conservatory Moorage Operations Office These facilities are OPEN on regular schedules:… [ Keep reading ]

Teens help seniors become tech-savvy

In December 2015, Seattle Parks and Recreation, in partnership with Group Health and Ageis Living, hosted its first graduation for tech-savvy seniors. This year, Group Health and Ageis Living approached Seattle Parks and Recreation to help launch the Cyber Seniors program aiming to bridge the generation gap when it comes… [ Keep reading ]

Your 2016 Seattle Parks and Recreation Winter Bucket List

For many of us, winters in Seattle are just something we have to get through – three months of cold and rain before the sun decides to break through in March. But treating the season like a chore is waste. There are dozens of opportunities to make memories and learn… [ Keep reading ]