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Posts categorized under Karen O'Connor, Author at Parkways - Page 42 of 54

Seattle Parks and Recreation opens renovated play area at Victory Heights Playground

Seattle Parks and Recreation(SPR) is happy to announce that the play area at Victory Heights Playground, 1737 NE 106th St., 98125, is open. The community is hosting a ribbon cutting celebration on Sat., February 10 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the park and encourages all to attend. The park… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites input on the design of the new parcel and expansion for Greenwood Park

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to an Open House on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. to provide input on the design of the new parcel at Greenwood Park. The Open House is at the North Seattle Boys and Girls Club, 8635 Fremont Ave… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation launches seven Pickleball pilot sites and provides Pickleball equipment at five sites

Seattle Parks and Recreation(SPR) is committed to listening to the community and delivering new opportunities for play and recreation that will serve Seattle’s growing population. As a response to input received from the community, Seattle Parks and Recreation’s Planning and Development Division is leading a one-year pickleball pilot project. We… [ Keep reading ]

2018 Major Projects Challenge Fund provides funding for community-initiated projects

Applications due March 2018 Does your community group have a proposal on how to renovate, expand, or upgrade a Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) facility or park? The Major Projects Challenge Fund (MPCF), which is a Seattle Park District funding initiative, will provide a funding match to a community-initiated “major… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation seeks design team for community-initiated Green Lake Small Craft Center Redevelopment project

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to select a design team to lead the design process for the Green Lake Small Craft Center Redevelopment. The consultant team will work with SPR and the public to design improvements, continue public outreach, and secure all necessary local,… [ Keep reading ]

Architectural firms invited to submit a Request for Qualifications for Washington Park Arboretum Environmental Education Center Pre-Design Study

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites all interested architectural firms to submit qualifications for the Washington Park Arboretum Environmental Education Center Pre-Design Study. Seattle Parks and Recreation, in equal partnership with the University of Washington Botanic Gardens and the Arboretum Foundation, are engaging in a pre-design study to build a new… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites community to final meeting for David Rodgers Park Play Area Renovation

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to review design concepts and play equipment options at the final meeting for the David Rodgers Park play area renovation project on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Please join us at an Open House meeting in the Queen… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Park District provides funding for Off-Leash Area Improvements

Update: Woodland Park OLA will be closed through March 2, 2018 and Genesee Park OLA is open Next two projects require closure of Genesee Park and Woodland Park Off-Leash Areas The Seattle Park District’s Maintaining Parks and Facilities funding initiative provides funding to improve Dog Off-Leash Areas (OLAs) throughout Seattle…. [ Keep reading ]

We need your input on the design of your new park in the West Seattle Junction

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to provide input at one of our Open Houses on Thursday, February 1, 2018. Please join the design team from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the site at 4731 40th Ave. SW. This is an opportunity for… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites community to final meeting for Loyal Heights Play Area renovation project

Seattle Parks and Recreation(SPR) invites the community to the second meeting for the Loyal Heights Play Area renovation project on Monday, February 12, 2018 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Loyal Heights Community Center, 2101 NW 77th St. Please join SPR’s Planner, Project Manager, and Sr. Landscape Architect, and… [ Keep reading ]