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Seattle Parks and Recreation invites input on B. F. Day Play Area renovation

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the Fremont community to provide input on the B. F. Day Playground play area renovation project. Please participate in a survey ( to help inform the play area renovation and then join SPR staff on Thursday, October 10, 2019 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at B. F. Day School in the cafeteria, 3921 Linden Ave. N. This meeting is an opportunity to learn about the project and provide input on play equipment.

Current B.F. Day Playground Play Area

The play area renovation project will replace the play equipment and improve the adjacent picnic are, including replacing the drinking fountain and making accessibility improvements in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA and national safety standards. 

A second meeting will be held on December 5 to present the design, which will reflect what we heard from the community, and to collect final feedback.

Funding for this park project is provided by the Seattle Park District. Approved by voters in 2014, the Seattle Park District provides more than $47 million a year in long-term funding to tackle the $267-million major maintenance backlog for Seattle Parks and Recreation as well as other facilities including the Aquarium and Zoo. In addition, it provides funding to improve and rehabilitate community centers, preserve the urban forest, perform day-to-day maintenance of parks and facilities, provide more recreation opportunities for people from underserved communities, provide programs for people of all ages and abilities, and acquire and develop new park land.

For more information or for meeting notification translations please visit

For questions about the project or if you need an interpreter or accommodations please contact Colin Campbell, or 206-256-5604.